Sweetness in love
Loving Self
Bricks of gold
Connect into your heart
That’s where to start
Love’s strength opens you up
Accept yourself wholly and completely
Receive the riches love has to offer
Open to the abundance of love
Sweet soul
Be gentle
Find your freedom within
The skeletons of the past rest at last
The soil is fertile
The seeds are ripe
Allow truth to grow
Love abounds in the sprouts
Today is fresh
The beginning is now
Burst of light
Yeah! That’s right
I see
I see truth
In my power I stand
This day is at hand
Bold am I
Igniting truth
I truly see
The depth of me
Breaking free
Just as the sun breaks through the clouds
Breaking free
The chains are released
Breaking free
Love pours out of me
Standing tall
I embrace my all
Seeing me
The wholeness of me
Is where I AM.
Smitten kitten
With whom you say?
Dandelions, daffodils
Why it’s you sweet girl
Stretching, massaging
Expand that view of you
Rise up
Rise up again and feel the wealth within
See it, feel it, own it
Let the journey begin.
Fly free!
Be tethered no more!
Pull up your light
Into your cells
Magnify, boost
Nurture your essence
Seedlings are there
Water them with care
Know it, feel it, be it
You luminous soul
Ignite your light
Glory be to God!
My little dove,
Peace be with you
Angels fly,
Trumpets herald
Love’s mist
Is in the air
Gentle breezes
The pain eases
No longer attached
Giddy within
White light envelops me
I now have the strength to begin again
Floating in the air
My feet, not touching ground
Not creation
Springing free
Shed my coat
Purple petticoat
Listen, I do
I stand in my truth
Wavering no more
I have strength
Like never before
Singing my song
I am free
Sweet tender soul
I hear the weariness of your heart
Speak to me
And softly see
The strength you need
Comes from deep within
Open your heart
To the truth of your Self
Love carries you
Allow it to be so
Swinging in the garden
Yearning to be free
One step, two step
I take them faithfully
My inner glow
It wants to show
Creator hold my hand
Let’s go!
In the calm and the peace
In this field called LOVE
I rest
And know
That I AM
Come hither, come near!
The angels sing to thee
Create anew
The new version of you
Bees buzzing
Purple flowing
The path
It’s here for you
Listen in to begin,
Journey within
Soft and still
You feel.
My dearest sunshine!
So bright you are!
Ease and grace
Slow and trace
The heart is pink
What do you think?
Your skin, so elastic
Your eyes, they are wise
Wholeness becomes you
Sound the bugles
Holding your place
Is Divine grace
I am free.
I am free!
Sun glistening in the sky
My love soars so high
Reclaiming me
Like stepping out of a skin suit
The calm
The peace
My colors so deep and rich
They swirl like a painting
Infusing my soul
Helping me to grow
The scent wafts through the air
Corn silk
So soft, barely there
Standing tall
So strong
Feel it now
Letting go
Creates the flow
Released now
No holding back
Yes world
I’m ready to be seen
My dear sweet One,
Re-member, you are free
The past
It’s gone at last
Expand into Thee
This design is what’s to be
Embrace the wonder
That is you
Your heart, it’s free
Soar, my sweet One, soar!
Excitement in the air
Yes, you may dare
Feel fully,
Love wholly
Holy Love
Rest in me
Into the deep
Can feel steep
Remember you’re a flower
With great power
Hand on your heart
It’s where to start
What’s mine is mine
What’s yours is yours
Oh look! My LIGHT!
I stand in it with might!
Tis from here
This platform of love
That I sink into
And fly with freedom