Intuitive Healing Poem
I ask for a healing message from Spirit that will support my client in this moment in time. I wait. And then it comes. It comes in the form of a poem. I listen, and I hear. I hear one sentence at a time. It comes out poetically, The Message. Two-line verses, a message from your Spirit to you, from your Sacred Heart to you. I don’t question what comes, I just record it. I am the scribe. It doesn’t have to make sense to me at the time. This is part of the glorious fun!
Together, in our child-like wonder the poem is revealed. To our delight, and often astonishment, the poem makes sense from the perspective of the soul.
Clients tell me they keep their poems in “their special place.” Some laminate them, often they read them daily, sometimes they “reappear” at just the right time.