Healing FreeQuencies
The Message The Lens The Connection The Release
Healing FreeQuencies, Inc. was created with the intention to help people release emotional upset held within the body through various healing approaches, or frequencies. Healing experiences are offered through one on one sessions (including remote) and meet each individual where they are at on their journey in life.

The Message

Healing FreeQuencies
Pure love in all its delight
Truth in form
In ancient time
There is a rhyme
Be here, behold
Time unfolds
Neither past, present nor future
All is One, impressed upon itself
Love Endures
The rays of golden light
Bind us in eternal light
In healing light, we unite
All to the Glory of God …

Reconnective Healing® is often a life-changing experience!
A Personal Reconnection® is a unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience…
Based on the Spontaneous Transformation Technique
Package includes 3 Emotional Healing, 1hr 15min each.
A Channeled Personalized Poem!